Thursday, September 07, 2006

the wanderer's debut

picture taken of unopened lotus flower(or was it water lily??) in jurong bird park a looong time ago.. using my trusty eos 300 FILM camera..

pics above taken from a beach near the Waitakere Ranges, New Zealand.. as usual the wanderer wandered off alone whilst the others were busy preoccupied with posing themselves silly and taking group pictures...sometimes the beauty of nature is so easily ignored...these and the following pics were taken with a 1.5 megapixel digicam..can you believe that?? lol

skycity tower at dawn.. 6 plus am at the bay waiting to set off on the fishing trip.. nice still waters..abit of frost at the right foreground..ok not abit..a hell lot hahaa..this winter in nz has been damn colddd

sunrise on fishing trip day..

on the lower slopes of mt. ruapehu.. ski lift.. the thing about nz is that the sky is so brilliantly blue that whatever pictures you take of it tend to look good =P

Low tide at East Beach.. ZQ trying hard not to appear as bored as he really was in the background..

ah well that's all for starters...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg...the pictures are soooooo nice...amazing....simply breathtaking...never saw the pictures you took, until now...talent i never be able to do the same...WELL DONE!!! i love the pic after that flower - whatever the's gorgeous!!!